Wednesday 19 September 2012

Things I've found on Pinterest and other web sites

I've found myself spending to much time on pinterest lately, its just a great source of  inspiration.
Here's my pin board.
Another site I spend a lot of time on is instructables, its a great source of plans to make and build all manner of things.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

About me

I'm a Kiwi Bloke who got into early childhood education after spending six months volunteering at Mt Hope, a boarding school/orphanage in Indonesia. I found the experience to be the most rewarding six months of my life. My wife had been working in the ECE industry for some years and when a position opened up at her work I began my new life as a man in a child's world.
My son Silas, The guinea pig for all my inventions.
I'm a maker by nature and love to re-purpose old bits and pieces of wood and household flotsam and jetsam to make things to extend the learning of the children I work with. I love open source technology and design and have been using Linux for many years now. I started this blog to share my experiences, the things I've made and the inspiration I have found elsewhere on the net. I hope it maybe of some use to someone.